Grey T-Shirt (Embellished by yours truly): Gap
Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Sweater: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Keds
This was a plain grey shirt that I rarely wore because it was just so plain. I decided to play around with it and some extra fabric and beads that I had laying around. First I hand stitched all the beads onto the collar. Obviously this took quite a bit of time, but I would have no idea how to use a sewing machine to sew them on. To make the "flower" (I've been told it looks like a kite) you take a strip of fabric and basically just bunch and sew until you get a desired look. This was pretty experimental, so it didn't come out exactly how I wanted it to but overall I do like it. After that I just took the same beads I used on the collar and sewed them down the shirt to be a stem to the flower (or tail of the kite.. whatever) and PRESTO!
I can't forget to show you my fuzzy flats with a bunch of squirrles or foxes or something on them